Jun 21, 2008

Home for Sale

When i put the Ad. on the newspaper I felt so upset about how things and situations go worst and worst each day and seems no sign of light on the air, yet it was not the hardest feeling; the hardest and painful one i ever felt was when people started to come and see the home, exactly as they want to pull my heart from my chest.
It isn't a luxury house yet it is my sweet home
It isn't full furnished house , yet it is the warmest home ever
each piece on it has a story ... each piece on it means so much
It isn't a home only ... It is my own world

Here i connect to the world to my blog

This is my bedroom; simple and warm

This is the guests bedroom

This is a puzzle i did and hoped to frame and fix it on my room one day

This is all what i have ... This is my home

How sad and painful losing a home :(


  1. Hey sweetie.. begad your home is just as sweet as you are :)

    I can feel with you really.. but lets just be optimistic and remember that:

    1. ensha2 Allah you will find a new door opening to the light you are searching for.. and soon :)

    2. although it's painful to lose some"thing" you love, remember that "you" gave that thing all it's meaning and you'll be able to own special "things" all your life ensha2 Allah..

    3. even if you lose a home.. you won't lose the hearts that love you.. our hearts.. which I believe is more valuable.. walla eh?:)

  2. w@ a warm , nice home u hv :hug:

    ما تزعلي على البيت عزيزتي...ممكن تحولي أي خربة مهجورة لأحلى بيت بروحك الحلوة وقلبك الحنون ولمساتك الانثوية

  3. Hey sweet dede ^_^ i am so happy u liked my small home :)

    I am trying to be optimistic but as you see time is going quickly, it needs a miracle from Allah to open a new door.

    As you know I lost a lot on my life and always try to start again but really sometimes I give-up but Al7amdellah I gained a great gift from Allah, a friend stands beside me and supports me with a big big heart named "DeDe"

    bekafe te7ammalte nakade ^_^
    Allah bless you sweetie :big hug to you:

  4. nmroodeh sweet nmroodeh :hug:

    I am glad u like it, it is so smile and unpretentious and still so empty but i captured the furnished parts :)
    :غشاشه انا بالصور:

    والله الواحد بس بتعز عليه الذكريات و الايام اللي قضاهم بهالبيت
    الله بعوض ان شاء الله ^_^

    و عقبال ما نشوف بيتك يا قمرة
    ^_^ بس ما تسرقي افكار من بيتي

  5. I am really sorry for this and sorry because things did not turn as you wished them to be....

    you will never know when the best will be coming ...

    i hate losing you.....

  6. Hey P.Princess ^_^
    nawwer nawwer el blog :hug:

    This is life we have to accepted its happiness and sadness, hope one day the happiness and luck find its way to me and to all.

    Thanks sweetie for bypassing ^_^

    Bless u

  7. حلو كثير البيت
    والاحلى من البيت هو كلامك الدافي عنه

  8. عاد انا حطيت الصور و مستحيه انه البيت عفشيكة :shy:

    بس انصدمت انه عجبكم كلكم

    و الله يا لونار ما في احلي من انه الواحد يكون عنده بيت

    البيت بحسس بالامان و الراحة
    الله لا يحرم حدا من نعمة البيت الدافي
