Oct 27, 2012

Is it right ?

  “Don't allow your mind to tell your heart what to do...

 The mind gives up easily”

 ― Paulo Coelho


  1. mosh bas true,

  2. It is wise to strike a balance between the two and let them work together if at all possible ..
    True, the mind gives up easily but the heart doesn't give up at all, hold on to stuff and is soft, forgiving and sometimes turn in the blind eye on issues that need not to be ignored and this is a problem ..! The heart's actions although sweet are translated by most as weakness and this leads to heartache! This is why the mind is needed to keep the heart from making mistakes!!
    Don't get me wrong, my heart is my brain, but from experience, asking my mind to keep silent gave me lots of headache !! it is a fine line and again, balance and moderation are key! but am not there yet :)

    and to Haitham, you did not strike me as a person who leads by his heart !!??

  3. @Haitham,

    I agreed with you :)

    Actually I don't know our troubles come from following our hearts or our minds! for me actually I give up quickly! it seems i follow my mind so much.

  4. @Noura,

    Yes the balance is the right thing in everything, but who can do! i am talking about myself I found it so hard to do it :( but i'll give it a try insha'allah :)
