Oct 5, 2011

What ... ???

1) What is making you LOVE someone the most?

2) What is making you HATE someone the most?

3) What is disturbing you when you are happy?

4) What is relieving you when you are upset?

5) What do you prefer to get the most "Appreciation words" or "Appreciation action"?

6) What do you do when you feel happy?

7) What do you do when you feel bad?

8) What do you wish to do right now?

9) What is your understanding to the word "Respect"?

10) What is your understanding to the word "Care"?

11) What do you think of this quote "أحبب حبيبك هونا فعسى أن يكون بغيضك يوما ما وأبغض بغيضك هونا فعسى ان يكون حبيبك يوم ما"

And Finally

12) What is your plan for the weekend ?


  1. I'll start answering the questions

    1) her/his Loyalty

    2) The lying even for joking

    3) The disrespect to my feeling

    4) A word but it should be from the heart

    5) Appreciation action

    6) Share my happiness with others

    7) Wordless to hold my tears

    8) Traveling to my mam and cry at her shoulder

    9) Taking care to others feeling

    10) loving

    11) I believe on it

    12) no plans so far that is why I asked :D to get ideas from you :D

  2. ya3ni we do have to answer your "undercover statistical survey" ?

    ok, here we go ..

    1) his/her way of thinking

    2) i don't hate actually :???:, only certain people with certain names .. :D

    3) a memory flash, from somewhere i don't wanna go back to ..

    4) walking

    5) appreciation words.

    6) i sing, dance (privately :k:), sometimes i tell people that i am and why i am.

    7) i just outcast myself, smoke like chimney and watch stuff addictively, movies series whatever falls under my hands.

    8) to find the camera i'm looking for :D :D

    9) give the suitable weight and magnitude to the person, by word and/or actions.

    10) listen and stand right beside the person, no matter what, no matter where, no questions asked.

    11) it reminded me of another "خير الأمور أوسطها"

    12) i have some movies on the watch list, i'll continue my hunting for a camera, and i'll visit my brother. ensha2 allah. .. and of course the house holding duties .. :k:

  3. 1) His smile
    2) Being selfish
    3) A crying child
    4) A child's laughter
    5) Action speaks louder than words
    6) I eat choclate of'course.
    7) I eat choclate too .... :)
    8) Go home and play with my daughter.
    9) To treat others as you want them to treat you.
    10) Solve problems.
    11) Love with your mind not just your heart.
    12) 3endi 3'aseel .... :)

  4. ما حأجاوب إلا على آخر واحد

    عندي دراسة لامتحان يوم السبت!


    :توجيهي: صرت

  5. 1-personality.
    2-selfishness and lying.
    3-depressing comments like:
    ما في شي بيفرح!مش عارفه ليش فرحانه هالقد؟ ...مش محرزه تفرحي ! وهيك ملاحظات محبطه
    4-online card games:(
    5-akeed actions.
    6-silly dance.
    7-same as no.4
    8-go out.
    9-care about my feelings.
    10-respect my feelings.
    11-الجزء الاول بيمشي معي واوافق عليه ....اما الجزء الثاني ما بيزبط معي اذا اخذت موقف من شخص\شخصه صعب اغير موقفي لانه بيكون بعد عدة فرص اعطيتها قبل ان اقرر الابتعاد واقصاء هذا الشخص من حياتي
    12-ma fee :(

  6. Thanks for all :) 7abbet 2ajwebetkom :)

    شيشاني انت زي زوجي عنده دراسه يوم الجمعة و انا معاقبه بدون اي اكتفيتيز اليوم :D

    بس جد الله يوفقكم كلكم الحياة بدها تعب و اجتهاد :D
