Oct 3, 2017

Messy Thoughts is Open :)

Since the social medias are followed by families and relatives and does not give me the comfort to express my feeling without interfering, I decided to return back to the blogging world as it was and still my secret world.

Really I need my own space to write to say what is in my mind and heart regardless it is right or wrong! otherwise I feel like to explorer.

lots of things happened last few years, mixed of feeling, ups and downs and I want to take them out from my heart and mind  and make space for the coming events :) life in going on :)

I will back with my stories :) 


  1. و انا كمان....الله يسهل

    1. ههههه ماتوقعت الاقي حدا لسه بتابع :) يلا ارجعي انت كمان

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. 5 AM
      صار لي سنة و اكتر ما دخلت هون ...امبارح من الصبح
      وانا مشتاقة لمدونتي اول ما فتحتها لقيت بوستك هاد اول واحد بال فيييد ...تفائلت بوجودك و رجعتك بصراحة لقيتك بشرة خير او اشارة و علامة إلي

    4. يلا شدي حيلك وارجعي على المدونة، جد ما في الفضفضة في مكان خاص فيك
