Jun 28, 2010

Hey! I am 3 years old

Hello Friends ^_^ I am MessyThoughts Blog.
Today I completed the 3 years old since my first post, I am really surprised how years are running ×_O, How and when I born and how I become 3 years that soon ×_o. But frankly i enjoyed these three years :D I shared with you my sorrows, sadness, loneliness and my happiness even it was little :D but still i can remember some happy posts :D

Ah! and I want to tell you a small secret firends! plz don't admonish my posts, I am just a tool refracting the thoughts of a lost girl I found 3 years back, her name is LioneSS, I found her suffering alone with her aching past without any shoulder to cry or anyone to wipe her tears! So I diceded to be the shoulder and the hand to take her out of her sadness. I diceded to take her pain out on my posts to let her continue on her life. and I am happy for that, and I hope i'll not let her down :) because each person deserve to have someone to liston to his pain when life become tough on him.

Wish me and her a happy birthday, and Happy Happy returns with happy posts :)

Jun 22, 2010

So Strong

"لا تكن كالسيجارة، يدفعون المال عندما يحتاجونك ويدوسونك بالحذاء عندما ينتهون منك"


Very stronge words and very true.

Jun 21, 2010

Info good to know

Calories and Weight Loss

One pound of body weight is equivalent to 3500 calories. So in order to lose one pound of weight, we need to create a calorie-deficit of 3500 calories.

This is difficult!


To learn you have to Read, This is the first tip for us to learn. I am not talking here about learning English only but learning in general. Nowadays my appetite to read is in its low level, I read the book title then I follow it with few pages after that I jump to last few pages! And that’s it!. Ok I can understand the overall idea about the book but I miss the essential and the very important points in the body.

Boredom is the reason! at least for me, because I put in my mind I want to read to fill my free time, which is totally a wrong idea to be in minds!. The aim of reading should be for learning, having fun and refinement. So fist thing to do is to love the purpose of reading.

Second thing to love reading is the atmosphere around you while reading; Like room temperature, room colors and cleanness, also the chair and the desk that you use to read, if they are not conformable than you will not concentrate on what you read.

Third thing and the most important point is close the kitchen or refrigerator :angry: and stop eating because you will hate the reading if reading will gain you extra unwelcomed weight :cry:

Fourth thing put a target or goal to yourself. for example to determine a timeline to finish the book or chapter of the book.

last but not least try to motivate yourself like reward yourself with a price of cake or icecream after you are done with your goal :D

These points are sponsored by LioneSS the lazy reader :D

Jun 17, 2010

Learn by Blogging

So, let us learn by blogging...
Since I am having some problems with my English language specially a lack of the common conversation expressions that is used commonly on any conversation, and since I am not on the mood to write anymore about the sadness and depression on my life, and I still want this blog to be stay alive...
So I decided to turn the blog now the leaning sessions and based on this decision

1) I and the visitors should write only in English.
2) Me should write 3-4 articles weekly (This is so difficult *_O).
3) Visitors should correct my mistakes and my language.
4) Visitors to suggest better expressions on my articles.
5) Visitors to suggest the subject to the next articles.
6) Visitors can write on the comments their articles and it will be corrected as well.

LoooL I feel I put most of the load on the visitors :D

English became the business language, and we cannot success without being good on it! So let us improve ourselves and success on our works ...

We can do it ... we can be good ...
Go ... Go ... Go ... Friends
We are the best :Yaaaaai:

Jun 15, 2010

هدايا القدر

ينادي فؤادي بليلِ السكون :: بدمعِ العيونِ برجعِ الصدى

لكَ الحمدُ إني حزينٌ حزين :: وجرحي يلوّنُ دربَ المدى

ولولا الهدى ربنا واليقين :: لضاعت زهورُ الجراح سدى

جِراحي وماذا تكونُ الجراح :: أليست جِراحي هدايا القدر

إذا ما ارتضيتُ يطير الجناح :: يكحل بالنورِ عينَ القمر

لك الحمد في الليل حتى الصباح

لك الحمد في الصبح حتى السحر

جراحي ومالي جراحٌ سوى :: ذنوبي فكيفَ أُداوي الذنوب