Jul 24, 2009

كبرياء و هوى

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Pride and Perjudice - Jane Austen
When you read this novel you feel that it is an ordinary one with happy end as all novels; but when you deeply think about it and compare it with the reality you realized that all the tragedy end of most love story is because of Pride and expressing the feeling on a right way.

So ...

Do you feel that you express your feeling well to your beloved one ??


  1. I don't think that we do express them openly. Even worse, our feelings are slaves to our pride and therefore ignoring our feelings all together if our pride request so.

    Silly us!

  2. nice topic, i can write 10 pages abt it :D

    as i expect, it depends on my partner .. i cant do it with the type who suffers from pride as saleh said.

    it is not with my beloved only,, it happens even in ur family, u'll find a brother or sister who talk freely with u and so u can talk warmly with them,, that happens 2 me, u'll find me having 2 way of speaking(both r good way)but in better way with specific person.

    this happen 2 us coz alot miss appreciation and respect which in my view r more important than love it self,, it is something that our arabic community didnt teach us when we growed up.

    4 me, i think i'll do inshalla.
    maybe coz of the big responsiblities and challenges i handle in early stage of my life,, the change from low level 2,, lets say relative high level of living style,, all that teach me respect and appreciation and the most important,, the freedom 2 express my feeling toward anyone.

    bidoon mas5ara,, had elly 6ele3 m3i :/

  3. good question lioness..
    No i don't..
    maybe it is because i raise and didn't find an examples around and now when i grown up i found many examples but there is a "shame" keeps me away in expressing my feeling not my "pride" or what we call it "conservative community"--watermelon community :-p

    especially with family it hurts me a most.. i maybe expressing feelings to friends but to the most people i love on earth my family :( i didn't

    -ma 3reftk o enty bel read mood ;)

  4. Friends,

    I don't know what to say or reply to your lovely and truthful words

    Expressing feeling is really a big issue to all ppl, because most of them raised in communities that consider this thing as a weakness on the personality.

    I think we have all to talk about our feeling and encourage others to do.
