Jun 12, 2009

Because it is an arabic company!!

LioneSS’s contribution can't be articulated in words as she really did a lot for
our project without any shilly-shallying

This is a part of e-mail has been sent to all managers, and it is not the first one!!

And Still people wondering why I am afraid to move to my new job!!

I found in this Pakistani company and Pakistani people what i didn't find in Arabic companies and Arab people. I found the respect, appreciation, and supports that i didn't find it on all my previous arab companies. I found the Islameic manners from people reads the Qur'an and cannot understand it while the Arab people how can understand the quran don't work on it.

After I met these Pakistani people i don't know what happened to me!!
I started to wish that I am not Arab :(


  1. woh woh woh
    we all feel that i think at some point for different reasons,but hey thats who we're ,change yourself and try to positively effect people around you ,bit by bit it might work eventually ,its about what are you doing to fix things you think are wrong in your community not wanting out.
    and if you're comfortable in this company just stay there i don't see why are u considering moving.

  2. I second NasEr: if you are happy there stay there. Do change without a strong reason for that.

    So you think we, Arabs, so bad!? Well! I don't agree. I agree with you that we are not perfect. Come on! All other nations are not perfect too. I believe that we miss one thing: "RESPECT". We don't respect ourselves, we don't respect each other, we don't respect the law, and so on. But remember we are not alone in this.
    For example, the Italians (and to large extent the French) are comparable to us with this if not ahead. Russians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Romanians, ... etc. are for sure worse than us.

    I am quite sure that you are so lucky for working in an exceptional working place with great professional people and nothing more. Although I respect and even like the Pakistanis, I don't think generalisation of what you see in the company extends to the whole Pakistani nation.

  3. Lio if it is that hard 2 u 2 leave the old company, then ask them 2 solve ur problem and u'll stay in case they did.
    i think ur problem is the heavy pressure and long work hours, then ask them 2 employ another person 2 help u!!

    how abt the new people, did u know the stuff there, did u meet them b4?

    u have 2 balance the positives and nigatives of each company nd decide then,,

    inshalla rabna ye6r7lek el barakeh b ur decision.

  4. LioneSS i think a have a different point of view.. u won't stay at this company forever sooner or later u will leave this company.. study the offer very will working hours, position, work type and the environment as well..
    do "est5ara" o allah yejblk ele feh el 5ear enshalla :)
